Freedom Fitness Blog

First 6 Weeks of Insanity Max 30 Review

I am on my second round of Insanity Max 3o and I have to say the second time around is no easier then the first! Shaun T really knows how to get you in shape! I have lost 4 lbs and quite a few inches in places I didn’t think I could lose inches:) This is a great program because it is 30 minutes a day(with the exception of 10 minute Ab Attack) and it gets your heart rate up burning a massive amount of calories! Also I have found that it works the core area better then any other program I have tried to date!   It has not been easy to stay commited to such an INSANE program but knowing people are watching and hopefully being motivated has kept me going-BRING ON the last two weeks!! If you would like to give this or any other Beachbody program a try I would love to help you get started:)
